Parish Groups & Ministries

Below is a comprehensive list of our current parish groups and ministries.
Each of our ministries correlates with our four core values: Prayer, Community, Teaching and Service.
Certain groups have their own pages, and those pages have been linked below when applicable.
For a full listing of contacts related to each of these ministries, please contact our office to request the 2019-2020 Ministry Booklet.


This commission plans and coordinates Liturgical Ministries to meet the needs of the parish for weekend Masses, Feast Days, special Liturgical events. We work with the Liturgical Ministry Coordinators to ensure enrollment and training takes place to meet Liturgical scheduling needs and guidelines are kept current with the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, and parish needs. We generally meet every few months for two hours with action items to be completed outside the meeting as needed.

Flower Committee
One week a month, members are asked to pick up flowers for the church and place them in appropriate vases, and check to make sure the potted plants have been watered. What an honor to serve our Lord and our community by working with God’s own beautiful creations!

Liturgical Committees
Includes Acolytes, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Greeters, Music Ministers, Readers, Sacristans and Ushers. You can learn more about Liturgical Ministers, including current guidelines, here:

Prayer Chain
Prayer chain members include all requests in their daily prayers at a time and place of their own choosing. Your name and e-mail address are included in an e-mail tree. If you do not have a computer someone on the list will call you. Click here to join the prayer chain.

Spanish Mass/Misa en Español
Cada primer viernes del mes, tenemos Misa en Español. Todos son bienvenidos. On the 1st Friday of each month at 7:00 PM we have Mass in Spanish. All are welcome.


The Stewardship Commission is dedicated to bringing the stewardship way of life (using your time, talents and treasures for God) to St. Joseph Parish. They meet monthly to gather information, educate themselves, and plan ways of sharing this vision with the parish community.

After Mass Hospitality
Builds community by providing a place to gather - a great way to meet fellow parishioners. Includes set up, serving and cleanup. Sign up for the 9:00 or 11:00 AM Mass, or both.

Family Ministry
The Family Ministry will foster an environment of faith and fellowship among parish families and encourage them to live the liturgical year in their daily lives. We will combine prayer and Mass with events and activities that appeal to all ages, and enable families to connect with each other on both a spiritual and social basis.

Funeral Reception Ministry
Coordinates a dessert or luncheon reception for bereaved families, their friends and guests following a Funeral Liturgy. Involvement may include providing food and/or helping with set-up, serving and clean-up.


The properties commission functions as a resource to the pastor, parish staff, and St. Joseph community helping with the stewardship of our buildings and grounds. The commission meets once a quarter. Its members serve a term of three years. The Properties Commission is currently looking for volunteers to assist with the stewardship of our buildings and grounds.


Bucket Brigade
We need you to join one of our cleaning crews that help make our worship space “shine”! No experience required, no age limit - everyone is invited to participate. Join either the Friday or Saturday team of friendly volunteers and clean once a month at 10:00 AM. Schedule of cleaning dates provided.

Facilities and Grounds
Looking for those with the gifts of service and craftsmanship who like to work with their hands to help keep our facilities looking good and functioning well. Also, other volunteers needed to help with occasional projects upon request. Contact Tom in the parish office for more details.



Through prayerful guidance their goal is to help form and maintain a well rounded Faith Formation Program.
Note: For specific Faith Formation Programs such as children’s programs, REX, and youth groups,
please refer to our “Faith Formation” tab on the top of the webpage. Refer to “Sacraments” above for information regarding
Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage Prep, etc.

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Athletics
CYO Athletics unites children in an atmosphere that promotes sportsmanship, skill development and recognition of one’s strengths and limitations.

Parish Library
Lending library next to McGirl Hall contains primarily Catholic books/audio/visual materials that may be checked out for 3 weeks (longer with renewal). Open anytime except when in use for meetings/classes. Weekend volunteers needed to open/staff the library before/after Masses, and on weekdays to process/repair materials. No experience necessary. Training provided.

Scripture Study/Bible Study
Meets weekly on Tuesday evenings and on Thursday during the day. Each week’s sessions cover the same material, so come to the one that fits your schedule. No prior Bible knowledge is needed. The group studies whole books of the Bible. Individual book studies vary in length from 6 to 30 weeks. We seek to understand and internalize the inspired record of God’s revelation. Join any time, learn and enjoy the friendship of fellow members.

Scripture Study/Men’s Faith Group
Meets every Saturday at 8:00 AM in the parish library. Men from our parish gather to study the bible, pray with and for one another and grow in fellowship to be the Husbands, Fathers and Men that God calls them to be. All men are welcome.

Scripture Study/Seasons of Faith
Meetings are Wednesday mornings (Sept–June) to share our faith and focus on the readings for the upcoming Sunday. Members are encouraged to read the scripture before coming to the meeting. In service to the parish community we sponsor a luncheon in the Church Hall the first Wednesday of each month (Oct–June).

Vacation Bible School
Summer program for children in K (incoming)–5th grade (completed). We need volunteers to be a part of the fun adventure of bringing kids closer to God. VBS meets for one week during the summer, from 9:00 AM to noon.


This commission works with the pastor to help the poor and needy in our parish and community, promotes social justice and peace through thoughtful and fair actions, and deepens parishioners’ understanding of their individual commitment and communal calling to help others.

Detention Ministry (Jail & Prison Visits)
This ministry enables people to visit the imprisoned at the Monroe Reformatory and shares the Eucharist with the men. Volunteers must be cleared ahead of time.

Issaquah Community Services
ICS is run by an all-volunteer staff in the ICS office located in Community Hall. Hours are 9-11 AM, Monday thru Friday and Monday evening 6:30-7:30 PM where clients receive emergency assistance with rent, utilities, gas, bus tickets and in some cases medical and dental care.

Issaquah Meals Program
In cooperation with other faith-based and social groups around Issaquah, this ministry provides free hot meals for the needy at the Community Hall in downtown Issaquah.

Michele Sarlitto is our Team Captain for the Issaquah Meals fundraiser! You can donate to the cause here:

Jesse Tree
The Jesse Tree tradition provides Christmas gifts to individuals who are in situations in their lives when a basic gift would mean that the spirit of the Christmas season is alive for them.

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Roman Catholic organization dedicated to service to God, family, and country. The Council at St. Joseph provides assistance to parish and community through works of charity and promotion of Catholic values.

Legion of Mary
Members present Holy Communion to the homebound, visit the sick, assist our Pastor, and promote home visitations of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue. Our weekly meeting is held after the 9am Mass on Thursdays in the St. Therese Room (Library) downstairs of St. Joseph Church.

Lazarus Ministry
This ministry involves working with the pastor and families in order to help prepare funeral liturgies, follow up with the family and possible grief support group.

Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Makers
Makes and provides rosaries that are placed in the sanctuary and sent to missions throughout the world.

Pastoral Care Ministers
We support the sick, homebound and senior members of our parish community by prayer, visitation and spiritual nourishment with God’s Word and the Eucharist. Our members bring the Eucharist on a regular basis to those who are homebound, in assisted living centers and in nursing homes.

Quilt Group
Quilt Group meets most Tuesdays from 7:00–8:30 PM in the Church Hall. We sew quilts for Eastside Baby Corner and special projects. A $1.00 donation at each meeting goes to Quilt Group supplies.

Respect Life Committee
We dedicate time to educate about life issues, to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable and for advocacy on their behalf in the public arena. Done in the spirit of love, as Jesus showed us, to replace the culture of death that surrounds us with a culture of life.

St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul reaches out to those in need with food, clothing, rental assistance, furniture, and friendship. Vincentians, in teams of two, visit the homes of those in need to provide a personal, caring service.

Weekly Food Drive
Parishioners deliver food donated by members of St. Joseph to the Issaquah Food Bank every Monday. Please place food donations in the baskets in the gathering space.

Are we missing your ministry, or would you like to learn more about one of the groups listed above?
Contact our parish office and we’ll be happy to help!