Phishing Warning 

A little over a year ago, you may recall, we made the announcement regarding fraudulent emails that are being sent out to various parishioners. The emails are made to appear as though it is me sending the email, asking you to help me out in an urgent pastoral matter by buying gift cards (seemingly, always iTunes…?) We explained that this was/is happening at churches all over the country. As best we can understand, they go to a parish website and find out the pastor’s name. Then they create an email address that incorporates my name, such as ‘’. Then, it seems, they dig around on our website looking for email addresses, such as staff, ministry leaders, etc. They send emails that say something to the effect: “How are you doing? I need a favor from you, please email me as soon as you get this message. Many Blessings, Fr. Todd Strange”. Pretty generic, right? But if the person responds, as so many generous and caring people do, asking how to help, a reply comes explaining that “I am pressed for time, but I urgently need an iTunes gift card for a friend who is going through cancer treatments. Can you get it and I’ll pay you back?....” This method of scamming is known as phishing. The emails stop being sent eventually, but as we’ve also found, they eventually start up again. I ask you please, do not respond to such emails. We heed the words of our Lord Jesus: “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves” (Mt 10:16).

God bless you,

Fr. Todd