Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church

Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM AND 5:00PM



Novena to St. Joseph

Monday, March 10 to Tuesday, March 18
St. Joseph Parish and the Knights of Columbus Council #7907 invites our parish family to pray a Novena to St. Joseph in anticipation of our Patronal Feast Day: The Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 19th. We invite everyone to pray the novena at 9:30am each day leading up to the feast day. A notification through our app will go out each morning as a reminder for all of our parish and school to pray together. To learn more, visit HERE

Lunch with Friends

Wednesday, March 12
Join us for Lunch with Friends in Father McGirl Hall on Wednesday, March 12 at noon. All parishioners and guests are invited to attend. This event is sponsored by the Seasons of Faith Group, and is held the First Wednesday of every month, from October to June. Please note, this month's Lunch with Friends is on the second Wednesday due to Ash Wednesday. If you wish to help, donate raffle prizes, or need a ride to the lunch, please call Jan Smith at 425-761-1592.

Stations of the Cross, Soup Suppers and More

Friday’s During Lent
Stations of the Cross will be held beginning at 7:00PM on Fridays at each Church in our parish family. Soup Suppers will be held at St. Joseph and Our Lady of Sorrows from 6:00-7:00PM before Stations of the Cross.  If you plan to attend a soup supper and are able, please bring a meatless soup to share.  However, even if you are unable to bring a soup, please join us in a beautiful opportunity for Friday fellowship. Additional confession times will be offered at two of our three parishes each Friday during Lent.  Please see the website or click here for the times and dates of these additional confession times.