Holy Week & Easter 2025 Schedule
* Denotes incense will be used
**Please return CRS Rice Bowls on Palm Sunday and convert your change to bills or write a check to St. Joseph Parish. Please be sure to designate Rice Bowl in the memo line of your check.
Palm Sunday - April 13**
Mary, Queen of Peace (MQP)
9:00AM Mass
11:00AM Mass
Our Lady of Sorrows (OLOS)
1:00PM Mass
St. Joseph (SJ)
8:30AM Mass
10:30AM Mass
3:45-4:45PM Confession
5:00PM Mass
Holy Thursday - April 17
7:00PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper* (all 3 parishes)
Good Friday - April 18
Mary Queen of Peace (MQP)
12:00PM Stations at City Hall Plaza
1:00PM Seven Last Words in Church
3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet
4:00PM Stations in Spanish
7:00PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Our Lady of Sorrows (OLOS)
3:00PM Stations of the Cross
7:00PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
St. Joseph (SJ)
10:30AM School Stations of the Cross
3:00PM Stations of the Cross
7:00PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday - April 19
Mary Queen of Peace (MQP) and St. Joseph (SJ)
8:30PM Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday - April 20
Mary Queen of Peace (MQP)
7:00AM Mass
9:00AM Mass*
11:00AM Mass
Our Lady of Sorrows (OLOS)
9:00AM Mass
11:00AM Mass
St. Joseph (SJ)
8:00AM Mass
10:00AM Mass
12:00PM Mass*