Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church
Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM AND 5:00PM

St. Joseph Feast Day Lasagna Dinner
Sunday, March 23 after 5pm Mass
Join us for a Lasagna Dinner to continue celebrating St. Joseph’s Feast Day, on Sunday, March 23 after the 5:00pm Mass. We will gather in Fr. McGirl Hall and are asking for donations to support our local St. Vincent de Paul Council. This community event is hosted by the St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council - #7907.
Stations of the Cross, Soup Suppers and More
Friday’s During Lent
Stations of the Cross will be held beginning at 7:00PM on Fridays at each Church in our parish family. Soup Suppers will be held at St. Joseph and Our Lady of Sorrows from 6:00-7:00PM before Stations of the Cross. If you plan to attend a soup supper and are able, please bring a meatless soup to share. However, even if you are unable to bring a soup, please join us in a beautiful opportunity for Friday fellowship. Additional confession times will be offered at two of our three parishes each Friday during Lent. Please see the website or click here for the times and dates of these additional confession times.
St. Vincent de Paul Update
Support Requested
Here are a few updates from our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry: SVDP helped 35 of 45 neighbors requesting assistance - $13,294 of assistance was provided. The St. Joseph Parish chapter of St. Vincent de Paul is seeing a sharp rise in requests for assistance and urgently needs donations to continue its vital work in our community. To learn more about how St. Vincent de Paul serves those in need — or to offer your support — click here.