Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church


Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM AND 5:00PM

Please note, our Mass Times changed effective July 1, 2024. Find our full schedule HERE.


Mass Schedule Changes

February 17-21
Please note, Father Poje will be away from February 10th-12th and Father Oakland will be away from February 17-21. The schedule for those days will be as follows:

Mary Queen of Peace = MQP
Our Lady of Sorrows = OLOS
St. Joseph = SJ

Monday, February 17 - 
9:00AM Mass (MQP)

Tuesday, February 18 - 
No Mass or Confessions

Wednesday, February 19 - 
9:00AM Mass (SJ)

Thursday, February 20 -
9:00AM Mass (OLOS)

Friday, February 21 - 
8:00-8:45AM Confessions (MQP)
9:00AM Mass (MQP)

33 Days to Morning Glory

Thursdays | 6:30 – 8pm | St. Francis Room | starting Feb 20
Marian consecration encourages us to trust and love Mary as Jesus did so that we, too, might devote ourselves more fully to Him. Preparation for consecration to Mary is traditionally 33 days long, and we’ll be using Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book 33 Days to Morning Glory. Larn more and register HERE.

Young Adults Night at the Rectory

Friday, February 21 at 6:00PM
Join Fr. Oakland and Fr. Poje for a pizza dinner and game night at their house with other parishioners from Mary Queen of Peace, St. Joseph and Our Lady of Sorrows. RSVP to Ann Shikany at ann@sjcissaquah.org by Monday, February 17. Instructions to follow. Limit 25 people.